El sábado 2 de abril celebramos la JornadaFamiliar de Orvalle, colegio privado y bilingüe de Madrid.
¡Qué mejor manera para disfrutar la llegada de la Primavera, que la gran familia Orvalle reunida en el Colegio y disfrutando de actividades deportivas y de entretenimiento para todas las edades!
José de la Uz, alcalde de Las Rozas, y Mercedes Piera, concejala de educación de Las Rozas, no quisieron perderse la oportunidad de compartir con nuestras familias y visitaron el Colegio Orvalle en esta gran ocasión.
Después de la Santa Misa que comenzó a las 11h y, niños, adultos y abuelos disfrutaron de la exhibición de aves rapaces y mamíferos salvajes en libertad. Al finalizar, el ambiente festivo invadía todos los rincones del Colegio: castillos hinchables, juegos, torneo de pádel, picnic, fútbol, etc.
¡Gracias a todos los que nos habéis acompañado en este día y que habéis contribuido a que fuera tan único y especial!
What is Life? My contention is that Life is the only system in the universe that is formed by something physical and something intrinsically non-physical, matter and information written in a language with infinite possibilities.
The existence of any idea behind a word is determined by an essential absence of any physical property. The concepts needed for producing a form, the information, have no mass, no volume, no inertia, no weight, no density, no electrical charge, no spin, no color. They cannot be measured in our external world, neither in our interior, nor in any other part of the material universe. The information and the ideas are “nothing”. Zero. But exist.
Life is the only physical system that is formed by matter and written information, by something and nothingness, by mass and "missingness", by atoms and intangible information of ideas written in a book, the DNA. Moreover, Life is the only physical system that pursues the exchange and transmission of something non-physical, information and ideas.
With Life the universe reached a critical evolutionary stage: the development of the written language. It meant that information could be passed on, from generation to generation, through written books of DNA containing the concepts needed for producing life forms. This intangible information was not like the bits of information contained in the physical laws or in the physical features of the matter but, as it happens with the ideas written in any coded language, life information can be exchanged, combined or even radically modified to produce infinite results, unlimited new immaterial concepts and meanings.
The value of a photo, the information that it contains, its beauty and its significance, are also features whose existence is determined by an essential absence of any physical property. Its beauty and meaning are 'nothing'. Zero. But exist. However, although the unique feature of any life being is its concrete physical form plus the intangible written information needed to produce that form, paradoxically the beauty of any life moment or form cannot be measured physically, neither described with words. Like (I hope) the one of these photos.