
 Cygnus, inmersión lingüística 

Orvalle Primary students become real writers!

Fecha: 24/06/2022

Orvalle  CLIL teachers decided to celebrate Book Day in a special way: by publishing a book with their students! The project started months ago with the first step of coming up with the topic they wanted to write about and creating the first draft.  From then onwards it took many steps to get to the final product, their own published book!

A great opportunity to learn

Our  4th grade English teacher Natalie led this amazing project and explained: 

''We wanted every grade to focus on a different text type. Fourth of Primary chose short stories, fifth grade poems and sixth grade wanted to write tales''.

Pupils were also very enthusiastic about  this great opportunity:

''I want to thank everybody at Alexia Editorial and Miss Natalie because she encouraged us to make this book''.

Julie de Cendra, one of our fourth grade students.

Teachers guided the students in the writing process by teaching them about different techniques and how to enhance their piece of writing. They  explained the differences between writing a story and a poem. 

Our 6th grade teacher, Stephanie said:

''When I corrected the tales I could tell which students  usually read and immerse themselves in books''

''I was happy to make my own story where all my imagination and effort would be shown to others. I am thankful to Orvalle for giving me this opportunity''

Said Jimena Santibañez, one of our 4th grade students. 
Orvalle Primary students become real writers!

Rocio Rodriguez, one of our 5th grade English teachers, said that her students let their imagination flow by writing these poems.  To give shape to their creation, they drew a picture that reflected their main ideas.

It has helped me to improve my writing skills and it has taught me what is needed to write a good poem, explained  Sofia Fernández from fifth grade. And Queralt Santafé also recognized that it helped me to improve my English.

''I liked writing my story because it helped me to take my work seriously and it motivated me to improve my writing skills. I also liked that the stories were published into a book because my family could buy it. This way they could see the effort that all my classmates and I had made. Overall, it was fun to be a «professional» writer and write my own  story!''

Natalia Rubio Da Silva, 6th grade student added. 

And this is how our three titles "Once upon a time" (4th grade), "Summer term poetry" (5th grade) and "Orvalle tales" (6th grade) came into life. 

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