Should NATO accept new state members bordering Russia?

This was the fascinating, newsworthy question posed at the V Canovas Debating Tournament held recently in Antequera, Málaga. The timely question offered participating teams the opportunity to argue on both sides of the coin - in English. On the one side they could accept that new NATO states in bordering countries would encourage Russia to become aggressive, which might lead to a global conflict, while on the other, teams examined how this action might contain Russia's desire to recover boundaries they claim to have.

Our 4th ESO Excellence students defended their theses with solid arguments during the competition which was held on April 1 and 2nd. They prepared to argue on both sides of the debate by studying NATO, the history of Europe and of course Russia, and by closely following developments in the current war which we are all very much aware of. Thanks to their participation in the debate, all feel far more aware of what's currently taking place in the region.

Orvalle 1. Fatima Cruz. María Gallegos. Rebecca Bermejo. Isabel Maccio. Almudena Andreu. 

Orvalle 2.Fátima Cortina. Patricia Martín. Gabriela Ramírez. Bárbara Mendoza. Teresa Marcos.

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